bila dia mula bercerita ♥

back to 2009 ;) the phantom of the opera !

haa, kenapa ? pelik  ehh.
tujuan aku post entri ni actually... errm oke2, takde tujuan pun sbnarnye. hee.
saja suka2, awat tak boleh kaa.
cheq sbnaqnyaa tiba2 trengat pulak kat depaa tuu.
#depaa disini merangkap kepada ELVIRA !
syaabah, mira , chaca, azwa n teyhaa.
rindu sgt kat hampa taw dak ! :'(

eh, awat cheq speaking aloq setaq nehh.
buat tebiat paaa.
haha. okay2.
weh. korangg ! bpk rinduu doe. ehh, silap. bkn rindu bapak2 korg,
i mean korang semua. SAYA RINDU KORANG SEMUA.
nampak tak ? ke nak suh aku beso kan lgi ke font nye ? sat naaaa.
apaa ? rabun lagi ?
sat.. nak pe-besaq-kan lagi la nihh..


haa, tuu diaaa. bkn men besaqqq lagi. haha.
actually td saje bukak utube. nk tgok video2 best . 
tade kena mngena dgn maria ozawa ye . =..=
saje2 search instrumental songs..
then tnampk pulak kat related videos tu..
ade lagu  'The Phantom of the Opera'.
bukak je video, tetbe ter-flash back kenangan lama kita.
time korg still ade kat desa perdana :')
ingat form 2? kita semua pergi tgok pementasan the phantom of the opera ?
haaa, best kan ? 
*tahniah buat sekolah beaconhouse sri inai :)
mmg menarik pementasan anda semua !
best belajar novel tuh.
sampaikan novel form 3, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hide tak pernah aku habis baca.!
tiap kali exam mmg the phantom punye story lah aku buat :)
jap, nk refresh characters dlm novel tuu.

1. Christine Daae
2. Erik @ The Phantom of the Opera.
3. Raoul . @ Christine's lover.
4. Phillipe 
5. the Persian..

okayy, lupa dah :P

rindu time form 2 !!
hm, okayy2, takmoo citer lebih2. meleleh hingus kang. =='

flash back sekejap yaaaa.

from left ; syaabah, me and miraa :)

and they are ; mira, chaca and teyha :')

remember ? bestfriends forever :')
imy !

i dont miss him at all . haha . :P
but he's cute . rawrrr. 

oh, he's the phantom ! dushh..dushh. !
haha. aummm ! opps. sorry, typing error ==' 
guys, again.. i miss u damn much :')

eh, wanna see the videos ?
nahhh. enjoy !

seriously, i love this song.

yeah, this too ;)


Copyright ©. hak milik terpelihara fatin adorable monster.

saya! Tutorial bebelan

boleh membebel disini :)